Вівторок, 22 Жовтня

The Future of International Law after the Russian Aggression against Ukraine. Round Table

Round Table 

The Future of International Law after the Russian Aggression against Ukraine


June 24, 2022

10:00 CET


The Round-Table will be a platform for exchanging views with the world class scholars on effective options for responding to the greatest challenge to international law and order in the 21st century.

▪️Context: Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine began on February 2014, and was accompanied by an attempt to annex the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and

to occupy part of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Such actions of a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a nuclear state are a gross violation of the peremptory rules of

international law and endanger the security of the entire world community. The reaction of the international community to Russia’s aggression in 2014 was insufficient. It was characterized by a policy of ” appeasement of the aggressor”, which eventually led in 2022 to the unprecedented large-scale war in Ukraine, accompanied by international crimes raising many questions about the future of the International law.

▪️Topics that will be brought up at the Round Table:

 The crime of aggression and counteraction to it: current challenges;

 International legal mechanisms for combating war crimes and crimes against humanity;

 Imperativization of the core rules of international law as a basis for transforming universal and regional systems of collective security;

 “Uniting for Peace” and other UN procedures as a mean to stop Russian aggression and prevent such actions in the future;

 Guarantees of implementation of decisions of the International Court of Justice and other international judicial institutions.

As a result of the discussion, proposals will be made to strengthen the effectiveness of international law, in particular the systems of collective security and international justice.

We warmly welcome scholars, experts and practitioners of international law, students and the interested public to attend the Round Table and take part in the discussion.

You can register for the event by the link: https://forms.gle/DjBfm6nWFPrJsZRT8