П’ятниця, 24 Січня

Conference to launch the networking partnership “Post-Soviet Conflicts, International Law and Security Forum”

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to join us as participants during a Conference dedicated to the launch of the networking partnership the “Post-Soviet Conflicts, International Law and Security Forum” (PSCILS Forum) initiated by the Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research platform (RUCARR) and funded by Swedish Institute (SI).

The main aim of the project is to help promote and stimulate more internationalized research and cooperation between researchers in post-Soviet states working with or interested in post-Soviet territorial conflicts. The main goal of the project is to establish a flexible multidisciplinary network-based cooperation/community of researchers called Post-Soviet Conflicts, International Law and Security Forum by the end of the year 2021.

The end of the year Conference provides opportunities for scholars and researchers from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Sweden and Ukraine to present their common ideas and projects, to raise awareness and take another step forward in establishing networking relations and cooperation with other colleagues with the same research interests.

The Conference is an open event, and you are welcome to join even if you have not been with us before or just interested in participation! All the presentations will be followed by Q&A sessions and discussions.

If you want to find partners for an idea dedicated to international law / security and post-Soviet conflicts but don’t know where to find them – you are also welcome to write to Kamal Makili-Aliyev (kamal.makili-aliyev@mau.se), who can help you gain access to the network and cooperate with our researchers.

To join the Conference use this Zoom-link: https://mau-se.zoom.us/j/63185523353?pwd=Lzgrd3dYRzlYNjdHSCtXaWJUeXpUQT09. The Conference starts at 14:00 Kyiv time.

We are sincerely waiting for you and hope to see you online on December 3rd!